Friday, May 27, 2011

On my way.

         Well, the time has come for me to go...I can't help but think about everyone whos been in my life. I'm so grateful for my family, my mom and dad, my brothers and my sister in laws. Im gateful for the examples they set for me throughout my life. I'm so blessed to have all the friends that i have. I really don't deserve the ones i have, you all are amazing and am so thankful for all of you. I know that serving a mission is the right thing to do and am so excited for it!! I can't wait to get out and get to work! I also can't wait to hear from everyone, i leave tomorrow moning at 4am for idaho for a few days then enter the MTC on wednesday!!    
     Elder Dakota Thomas Anderson

1 comment:

  1. Elder Anderson! I hope you get to see Elder Smith when you are at the MTC. I told him to take pictures, and now I'm telling you! I wanna see pictures!! Love ya Bud!!
