Thursday, August 2, 2012

Well, life has been moving on so fast lately, it seems as though there is not time to keep up with it all! Where did April go? Where did the last year of my life go? It has been incredible to see the change in peoples lives the gospel can bring. I hope to be able to see it through out my life. Things are going well out here, Elder Westover and I have about another 2 weeks together so that will be fun, unless we stay together. Life is going so well, wish there was more time to write! Hope you are all doing well! I love you all!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Returning to Spotsylvania...March 25, 2012

I had the opportunity to return to Spotsylvania and to do the baptism of Junior.  I was so excited!  Getting to know the White family has been such a blessing in my life.  This family has come so far.  Bert had been in-active and his wife was not a member of the Church.  Now through the blessing of the gospel this family is on the road to becoming an eternal family.  Bert is now active and sharing the gospel with others.  His wife Elaine has now been baptized and now Junior has been baptized as well.  What a great opportunity we have to see the Lord bless the lives of his children.  I love being a missionary and for the chance that I have to meet such great people.  The work of the gospel will go forth until all have recieved it and the Lord, Jesus Christ says, "The work is done."   

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Time To Move On! Transfer Day

Thursday March 1, 2012
      It is Transfer Day and I an being transferred to  the Mount Vernon Area.  It is about 50 miles north of Spotsylvania.  I have come to love the people in Spotsylvania and will miss them, but I know that the Lord has a work for me to do and I will go where I am called.  With being transferred I have been made a Zone leader, have a new companion, Elder White.
Mount Vernon is a beautiful area.  I look forward to being the gospel to the people here in this area!
     Have a great week!  I love you all!
          Love always,
               Elder Dakota Thomas Anderson

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Power of Prayer

February 19, 2012
You never realize how important  prayer is until you have come to a point where you can't do anything by yourself and that all you want to do is help someone else.  Read Alma 7, where it talks about Christ suffering every for us.  I know that through the gospel all things can be healed.
Happy Birthday Dad!!! Can't wait to try out your new present!

PS. Cassie and Dallin are having a baby around the same time as Jordon and Sunshine.  I am going to be an Uncle Twice!!!!!!!!

Love you all.  Have a great week!
The Dakota Thomas Anderson

Blessings of the Priesthood

February 13, 2012
We are working with Bert (His wife is being baptized on the 18th) so that he will be able to receive the Priesthood so that he can baptize his son Junior.  It truly is an incredible blessing how men in this Church are able to hold the Priesthood and perform such special ordinances with their families such as baptizing their children.  I have been looking at my Priesthood Line of authority a lot lately.  It is incredible how I can trace my Priesthood through Dad, all the way back to Jesus Christ.  No other church on the face on the earth can do that.  Dad I am grateful to you for all that you have taught me and your example of always honoring your priesthood.

Thought for the Day...
Always remember that Christ suffered all pains and afflictions for us no matter how great or small so that we would never have to suffer them if we would only put our faith in him.

Love you all,
Dakota Thomas Anderson

2 in a Row

February 6, 2012
Bert has now come to church 3 times and 2 times in a row with his wife Elaine.  She has accepted our invitation to be baptized on the 18th!  We are also teaching their son, Junior, who is wanting to be baptized as well.  Bert and Elaine went to the Bishop and talk to him about going to the Temple to be sealed!!! I might be able to go to their sealing about this time next year.  That would be the best way to end my mission in my mind.
Just an update on the lessons that Elder Watson and I have taught.  59 lessons in the past 2 weeks.
We are on FIRE!!!!
I miss you all.  Love you all so much!
Have a great week and just remember!
Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.  What do we do?  We swim, swim, swim in the gospel.  :)
Love always,
Elder Dakota Thomas Anderson

The Lord Prepares the Way

January 30, 2012
This last week week we had one of our less active members and his investigator family attend Church.  The whole meeting I sat there being a little frustrated thinking that nothing the speakers or what is being taught in the lessons apply to the investigators that came to church.  But Church got over and I ask the family what they thought.  The wife just turned to me and said, "I loved it!" "Everything that was said was so applicable to me and I couldn't believe how everyone is so involved, not just one Preacher.  I still marvel at the way the Lord works.  That has become so apparent to me in the last few weeks.  Whether it be extreme spiritual  experiences, church experiences or even with relationships with friends back home.  I have grown so much from the experience that I have had while serving the Lord. Whether it was Ricky's (named changed) "journey through hell" to open my eyes to the gospel, or how the Lord had just the right talks and lessons planned for Bert and Elaine on Sunday.  I am humbled and in awe of his hand in all things.  I love this gospel so much and know of it's truthfulness as it is manifests itself to me in so many ways!
A side note:  Elder Watson and I (Sherlock Holmes) :) have taught 30 lessons this week and we received a referral from Sister Doyle.  There is a family that is wanting to hear the discussions and to be baptized!  The Lord prepares people in the most perfect way for them to receive the gospel.
Love you all, have an incredible day
Love, Kody