The weather here is hot! It is 93* with 95% humidity. Walking door to door in a suit! Great times!
The members here keep telling me, "Oh, it is going to get worse." (That's a fun thing to hear. :)
Elder Lafeen and I attend the Ashburn Ward at 9:00 a.m. and then go to our investigators class at 10:00 a.m. and at 11:00 a.m. we go to all the meetings at the Belmont Ridge Ward. Elders Quorum was great as we talked and learned how to become and attain an eternal family. I am so excited to someday take my own sweetheart to the Temple to be sealed for Time and all Eternity with her and our family. I am so blessed and happy to be with the family I have now. With you( mom), dad, Bran, Jord, Linds and Shine I know that I can do anything and get through anything. You are my rock and I love you all.
The work continues to move along here in the DC area. I do get frustrated when we knock on doors and the people don't even give us a chance to talk to them. They just say,"Yea, we know what you have to say." Well obviously you don't if you just shut the door in my face!
On the up side, we do have some families that we are working with and have 3 baptisms scheduled on the 23rd of this month, hopefully all will go as planned.
To my family and friends please sends pictures, they are like gold in the Mission Field.
You are in my thoughts and always in my prayers.
Elder Dakota Thomas Anderson